Designed to fit conveniently into travel bags, diaper bags, car consoles, and many other small pockets or spaces, individual on-the-go disinfectant wipes are handy for unexpected messy situations and as a general germ destroyer. However, individually packaging these wet wipes into small zipper pouches can prove to be a little tricky. Fortunately, FL Tècnics, a ProMach product brand and market leader of horizontal form fill machines, manufactures rollstock sachet and small pouch forming machines that make the packaging process quick and efficient. Their 1.7 and 1.7B HFFS rollstock machines, for example, customize feeds based on the product’s folded and wet condition, and the machines can be sized to match desired throughput. Use the link provided below to see their website and to find out more about their pouch filling abilities. Rollstock pouch machines effectively and efficiently packaging disinfectant wipes, at ProMach, #WeDoThat